An Unusual Pond Bird,
Perhaps a Black Swan,
Texarkana, Arkansas, 2003.
Hillary Clinton, now Secretary of State in the Obama Administration, has been rewarded for her efforts in politics and government. As the strongest of supporters of her sometimes scandalous husband, 2-term former US President William Jefferson Clinton, Hillary Clinton achieved with him and through him as First Lady of the United States.
Hillary Clinton also was very useful to the Obama campaign, bringing in women's rights contributions to the Democratic National Committee as the early potential Vice Presidential 'running mate' to Obama.
It would be hard to find a more obvious, but discrete to the casual observer of politics, socialist/communist US Presidential ticket. Obama, center of a birth certificate controversy, is a biracial colored man of mixed Christian/Muslim descent. Obama's birth certificate is Hawaiian, the last US state admitted to the Union, a group of ethnic islands off the US mainland in the Pacific Ocean. Obama in his books declares himself to be the son of a white American Christian woman and a black African Muslim who soon abandoned them for school at Harvard, then returned to Africa. Obama's mother soon found Barack Obama a stepfather, a colored Muslim from Indonesia, who took them there when he was called to return to the Muslim army.
It would be hard to find a less likely candidate for the US Presidency, an internationalist colored man with little knowledge or belief in America. But Harvard's internationalist governmentalist profiteers chose him and supported him politically and financially.
Obama, at times, seems to have no illusions, attributing his political success as a 'token' of 'what came before him', the black power movements led by the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and its violent action arm, The Black Panther Party (TBPP).
Obama rode to political victory through a social service system riddled with graft, fraud, and corruption. Federal government budgetary appeasements were made to politicians of financially distressed cities and states and angry, violent minority populations which overwhelmed local budgets.
These social welfare populations themselves may have been relatively large groups of early illegals, before the huge influx of 13 million Hispanics made immigration a major political and economical issue in the US. Obama supporters and 'bankrollers', ACORN (Association of Community Organizations Reform Now) and its political arm Project Vote, now are accused or convicted of voter fraud in several states.
The Clinton Connection too is significant. Many William Jefferson Clinton supporters were trial attorneys, proponents and 'growers' of the federal bankruptcy courts. These courts allowed supporters of the socialist/communist black power movement to bankrupt record numbers of white individuals and companies during Clinton's 2 terms as President of the United States.
The destruction of the tax base, the middle class, during race-based 'redistribution of wealth' lawsuits, was done to bring wealth to trial attorneys and the courthouse crowd. This has done inestimable damage to the United States and its traditional participatory democracy through voting by real and registered US citizens.
Attorneys lost their proper role as arbiters of disputes between citizens. Instead they began to seek wealth for themselves by creating and encouraging lawsuits and taking money, property, and business items for themselves as contingency fees or booty by confiscation.
The destruction of the right of US citizens to control their government and government spending through voting occurred concurrently. Local voters, some already overwhelmed financially in the faltering economies of the 1980s and 1990s, voted against additional taxes.
For example, tax-paying voters voted against additional school taxes for busing and forced school desegregation of naturally-occurring neighborhoods where people lived and sent their children to elementary and high school. Many blacks as well as whites now see federal 'court-ordered' busing for school desegregation as harmful.
American courts, mostly appointed by politicians, not elected officials, began to create and decide government policy. Rather than rein themselves in to their job of interpreting the law as made by the people and their legislative representatives, the courts began to make the law, or re-write the law according to their beliefs and to restructure American society. Of course, there were favors, inducements, and bribes. These deals undoubtedly will fill history books in the future, if God-willing there is one.
Clinton Democrats believe they can use the law to their own benefit and profit, stating they 'think and do what is best for' US citizens.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, is known to have been influenced by socialist/communist ideology in college. Her frighteningly communist central party proposal to establish a school for governmentalists, through which they would create governmental careers, reveals a deep anti-democracy sentiment.
While it may be expedient for politicians to understand how to write legislation or read grant proposals, it is antithetical to the American Democracy to limit political and government careers to a small, specially chosen group of people.
Harvard University already functions as a governmentalist school. Harvard graduates and faculty have had an undo influence on American government and social policy. Harvard graduates have become an international business club operating through the US government. (See http://monthlynotes.blogspot.com 'Obama Accounting' blogs 20 and 21.)
Historically, Harvard offered inducements to Supreme Court Justices, scholarships in their names, to create a school of 'public service' for the training of a governmentalist 'elite'.
Harvard graduates and faculty continue to bring their views on race for social welfare funding and profit, and take huge government subsidies for annual tuition of $40,000 or more in addition to special access to government jobs in social welfare, law, and government.
The degradation of democracy by profiteers and demagogues who use the words of democracy to levy taxes and take money, personal and business property from US citizens is painful to watch.
Many US elected officials and their appointees have taken money in deals and donations from foreign drug cartels. Many US politicians became unduly influenced by foreign sex, drug, and mind-control cults in alcohol and drug treatment programs after arrest or in deals for drunken driving and other offenses.
These politicians have allowed the US to be flooded by illiterate and violent
illegals involved in drug and sex trade from Central and South America, the Middle East, and Asia.
Even US police have become involved in drug-running, car and property theft, vandalism, and menacing, stalking, and harassment of white, Christian US citizens, and the interruption and destruction of the lives and property of US citizens.
What is happening now is reminiscent of what happened before Hitler came to power in the 1930s. The German Expansion wrongly drew in a large number of illiterate, poor, and aggressive populations in an attempt to bring wealth to stabilize the post-World War I German economy, which had not recovered from the expense of the war. The result was a disaster.
Whether there was bizarre mind-altering drug use from Tibet and the East then, as there is now through the Asian and Middle Eastern heroins or Central or South American cocaines and methamphetamines, is unknown.
What is known is the insatiable greed, alcohol and drug use of our politicians, and the acceptance of aggression and raw sexuality, has destroyed our belief in our politicians and officials. It is true that they are only human, but to take such large amounts of taxpayer money they must be worthy of being emulated by our youth.
It is hard to fight internationalist profiteering gangs operating out of one's own country. From our own government offices, governmentalists demand tax money for their own salaries and business projects here and around the world.
We are faced with the fanatical rage of Islam, now fanning the flames of violence from North Africa through the Middle East. We are faced with the willingness of our governmentalists to make US citizens targets of Islamic terrorism by involving us in Muslim sectarian struggles. US citizens must now find a way to say 'No' to those who risk our lives and the survival of our United States of America.
We must find a way to call a moratorium to the Obama/Clinton interference in the Muslim power struggles from North Africa throughout the Middle East. These are struggles for democracy for only a small number of Muslims. If these were majority movements, the democratic anti-government groups would have a slate of candidates for President, firm agendas, drafts of constitutions for their new democratic nations at the start of their protests.
Obama's arrogant demands to world leaders who have led these unstable nations for thirty or forty years to leave their countries, in the nuclear weapons world in which we live, risks the survival of the entire known world.
There is nothing to be gained from further destabilizing the Muslim world. The oil is almost gone. There is no real money to be made there. For the Clintons, real estate speculators before arriving in Washington, DC, there will be no value in the post-revolutionary real estate there either.
There is no joy in US citizens in America watching the Muslim world destroy itself. Eldridge Cleaver, an early black activist wrote a book called 'Soul On Ice'. In it Cleaver described the cold violence of the Black American ghetto psyche, the coldly lustful violence of the ghetto to upset orderly life, because of the 'insufficiency of evil' on that day.
Obama, an Indonesian street kid, laughs as he causes violence in North Africa, the Middle East, and risks further violence against Americans by Muslims already in the United States. There is no 'insufficiency of evil' under the administration of Barack Hussein Obama.
May the true citizens of the US and the United States of America survive his influence in the US and internationally.
Email mkrause54@yahoo.com or mkrause381@gmail.com to comment or request copies of this or other blogs posted by mary for monthlynotesstaff on http://monthlynotes21.blogspot.com or other monthlynotes blogs listed on http://monthlynotes18.blogspot.com on www.google.com.
Graphic: An Original Photographic by mkrause54@yahoo.com or mkrause381@gmail.com of 'Black Swan' on the Pond at Texarkana, Arkansas, 2003. The unusual pond bird has black wings, a white neck, and a red snout.