'Giant Rabbit'
sitting on a rock,
in front of a
giant evergreen,
in the garden,
at the
National Gallery of Art,
Washington, DC,
Governmentalism is not an ideology. It is a method of taking control of money, resources, people, existing forms of government to achieve the goals of a person or a group of people.
Governmentalism is an attempt to legitimize means and ends: the goals or ends one chooses and the means one chooses to obtain those goals or ends.
Historically in the West, British and European governments have evolved from the rule of royalty to the rule of the people in the democracy of the United States of America. But what happens when the rules of democracy do not suit a person's or a group's grasp for money and power? That person or group may first seek to change the rules or circumvent the rules to obtain the goals of that person or group.
Governments throughout history have been influenced by people and money. Kings and Queens have been as likely to accept a gift, favor or bribe in exchange for a wealthy person's request for a position of power or influence in that government, land, or business as current elected or appointed officials in the American Democracy. Domestic and foreign Royal marriages have changed European history. Domestic and foreign money and trade agreements have changed American history.
The volatility in the US economy and the chaos around the world, now most obviously in North Africa and the Middle East, can be understood by a rise in governmentalism, as a mechanism for 'creating wealth' by those with government affiliations in the US and internationally.
What is frightening about this trend is the failure of ideology to rein in the impulse to greed. Ideology can help to protect one's own political 'system' and physical land, a sort of nationalism.
The insistence on taking daily profit from the till, despite the loss of true humanitarianism in the disregard for harm done and actual loss of human life domestically and internationally, and the reckless expenditure of the profit taken on 'living big'--sex, drugs, alcohol, 'upscale' outrageously expensive items, and 'McMansions'--reflects a failure of societies around the world to maintain a stable identity to propell their nations into history.
Read more on this topic in the next blog in 'The Rise of Governmentalism' on http://monthlynotes21.blogspot.com.
Email mkrause54@yahoo.com or mkrause381@gmail.com to comment or request copies of this or other blogs posted by mary for the monthlynotesstaff on http://monthlynotes.blogspot.com through http://monthlynotes21.blogspot.com on www.google.com.
Graphic: An Original Photographic of 'Giant Rabbit' sitting on a rock, in front of a giant evergreen, in the garden, at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 2002, copyright mkrause54@yahoo.com or mkrause381@gmail.com.
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