After the Dispute.
What remains of
private property?
Northern Virginia,
Fall, 2003.
Governmentalism is not an ideology. It is a method of taking control of money, people, resources, existing forms of government.
Governmentalists have been busy creating a huge unwieldy industry replacing the traditional form of participatory democracy in the US. In the traditional American Democracy, voters control government policy and spending by voting for city council members, county commissioners, state and federal House of Representatives and Senators, and other politicians who espouse the voters perspectives. There always have been more arrogant politicians, like Clinton Democrats, who seek to 'think and do what's right for you'. Formerly, these politicians were more easily 'voted out' of office and replaced by those who believe and act on the will of the majority of voters in the area they are elected to represent.
But putting 'a spin' on policy statements to attract money and votes has become more accepted. Politicians have become more dishonest in not expressing their beliefs or decisions on their votes, making statements that almost anyone could agree with. Such politicians 'tell you what you want to hear' in their efforts to keep their jobs or 'not lose' their jobs to voters who do not agree with them.
This has created a group of politicians who shape policy according to their own beliefs, political party or bipartisan compromises designed to personally profit members of both parties. These politicians deliberately mislead voters by confusing polite argument or tact with sophisticated lying, trying to pull money and votes toward themselves in their political maneuvers.
The growth of the federal debt is a consequence of a circular series of such deals that spiral continually upward. The mainstream newsmedia, part under attack by colored, ethnic activists and trial attorneys and part full of 'far left' liberals, actually socialists and communists, mostly only warned of the loss of the tax-paying middle class as it has been destroyed by ethnic and special interest lawsuits, tax, and bill collectors.
The deals benefit the wealthy and the welfare populations, while depleting the money of the working and lower middle classes. Government-subsidized housing is a good example of a hyper-inflationary spiral of real estate deals. 'Section 8' housing inflated real estate values, while making 'private pay' renting or owning houses in the US truly unaffordable.
Before 'Section 8' and other housing subsidy programs, 'the county' built and maintained 'welfare apartment buildings' often called 'the projects' in many major US cities.
Then governmentalists created 'Section 8' and other government-subsidized housing. 'Section 8' moved welfare recipients into single-family houses and privately-owned apartment buildings.
Wealthy property-owners of a few or several properties could rent apartments or houses through government programs to provide apartments or houses for unmarried welfare mothers with children. Welfare renters often paid only 30% of the normal rent, charged to a 'private pay' renter in another apartment or house. When the county or other governmental agency did not pay the welfare rent, the landlord increased the rent for the 'private pay' renters in other apartments or buildings.
If the landlord tried to evict welfare recipients for non-payment, ethnic welfare recipients then used the court system to file lawsuits against the landlord for racial or other discrimination or conditions at the building. Property-owners then could lose property to the county or other governmental agency. Then the county or other agency could try to sell off the property at a bargain price to friends or associates.
Real estate fraud becomes rampant as governmental agencies, welfare bureaucrats, attorneys working for government agencies or as independent contractors stating they work for government agencies, and property management properties, borrowed against the properties making them now totally unaffordable through tax liens, deteriorating conditions during periods of no maintenance during ownership squabbles, multiple mortgages. With 'outsourcing' of governmental agencies, the exponential growth of more independent contractor companies makes it impossible to manage or maintain such housing, or a governmental budget large enough to maintain it.
Then 'Section 8' was extended to other groups, first to only physically disabled, then to mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed, veterans, and criminals at prison release. These populations, who previously were housed affordably in nursing homes and 'state institutions' hyperinflated real estate expenses and the government expense budgets for what formerly were private 'tax-producing' properties. The governmental unit involved created tax burdens for itself by taking properties from the private sector.
The price for maintaining political freedom was a government limited by the tax-paying private sector. More and more bullies, many members of ethnic and special interest groups, have entered politics as a way to personal 'wealth building', demanding astronomical sums of money from US citizens. Such individuals and groups confuse the meaning of living on welfare, at no cost, with the political meaning of 'free' to determine one's own life as a US citizen.
Enormous increases in the social welfare budget and the welfare population through uncontrolled immigration have occurred. The problem has been worsened, at least in part, due to Bill Clinton's 'dual citizenship' programs. Favored foreign nationals came to the US to do business, but do not pay personal or business income or other taxes in the US. Many did not hire US citizens, making US unemployment worse and business loans more difficult to obtain by US citizens.
Many immigrants brought other foreign nationals to work in housing construction, computer, and other companies. Many of those who stayed in the US beyond the job 'booms' now demand social welfare.
The influx of Middle Eastern immigrants in particular, many of whom have come to invade the US, as they feel their native countries have been invaded, led to the 2001World Trade Center bombings.
The use of angry ethnic and special interest populations to tax collect and bill collect white mainstream US citizens and businesses has produced budgetary problems almost unimaginable in amount.
The greed of politicians to somehow become wealthy by sales commissions or fees on the number of pieces of legislation, the amount of money voted on for governmental appropriations or manipulations of business and the stock market only worsens the problem financially and politically.
The old rule that, by law, one could not, or should not, become wealthy in 'government work' worked better to preserve the nation, and the peace and quiet, money and property of US citizens.
Many cities and some states have made local political jobs part-time, expenses paid only to attend required meetings, or totally unpaid. The only way to preserve the US economy may be to take the profit motive and greed out of US governmental groups and to return control of government and government spending to the voters through referendums.
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Graphic: An Oiginal Photographic, copyright, mkrause381@gmail.com or mkrause54@yahoo.com. 'After the Dispute. What remains of private property?' Northern Virginia, Fall, 2003.
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