'Palm Trees'
near the Gulf Shore
Southern Texas, 2001.
Governmentalism is not an ideology. It is a method of taking control of money, people, resources, and existing forms of government.
Ivan Ilyich and other writers from socialist/communist backgrounds warned of entanglement of government with business and the ensuing threat to civil rights in America in their books about the rise of the military-industrial complex. Writers who had defected from socialist/communist countries warned of the similarity of the 'central party' organization to the formation of a small, influential military-industrial 'elite', a group of people who controlled very big budgets, defense department contractors and government purchasing agents and their political and military connections.
The military industrial complex created a pattern of government/business contracting policies and procedures. The pattern was emulated and reshaped by the emerging Social Welfare government agency-industrial complex.
One bitter irony of the growth of the social welfare-industrial complex is that the 'ensuing threat to civil rights' was misinterpreted. This threat was meant to warn of a consolidation of money and power in a military-industrial elite, who could then control the US Treasury or overthrow the American Democracy in a military coup to install a socialist/communist military dictatorship.
What happened has been a true threat to overall civil rights. A continuing series of bankrupting 'black civil rights' lawsuits against 'whites'--individuals, businesses perceived as 'white-owned', and a US government perceived as 'white'--has produced a cabinet advocacy level of funding for this movement.
The 'free' items demanded by The Black Panther Party in 1965 match the demands for 'free' items of the social welfare state. 'Free' meaning at 'no cost' has been confused with the meaning of free citizens and the freedoms of US citizens, freedom of speech, religion, assembly, to associate with whomever one chooses, to pursue 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'.
Most mainstream Americans, perhaps most white Americans asked only for their traditional right to vote, to equally decide government policy, to control government spending, and to be taxed fairly.
Despite the stated 'post-racial' stance of many blacks seeking governmentalist positions, there is an undercurrent of belief among blacks and ethnics that whites somehow agreed to a 'colored takeover' with the election of Obama. Instead what is said privately is 'you can't stop us now'. What whites agreed to was the traditional belief in equality in America without regard to race, color, creed, nationality, or other difference among US citizens.
Clinton continued the racial polarization in the US and made his socialist statements of intent to 'redistribute wealth' openly. The problem now is twofold: 1. the American public has not agreed to a 'transfer of power' to socialists, communists, or 'internationalists', or 'coloreds', or to create a biracial or mixed-race society. 2. The US is facing an almost incomprehensible federal debt of $14 Trillion, there is only debt to 'redistribute'.
As the supposed per person ('per capita') share of that debt has risen to over $42,000, there is much unrest in society. Most taxpayers believe that the expenditures of politicians, for military or social welfare, to appease or to soothe racial or international tensions, for other 'special interest' groups or business, or other purposes are only that--the expenditures of politicians--and the taxpayer does not want to be unfairly taxed, taxed without representation, or viciously tax-collected.
The use of government acquired or stored information databases, computers, information technology, and personnel has not been approved by a referendum vote of a majority of US citizens. Most undoubtedly would not approve government contracts to the major credit reporting agencies ('CRAs'), the Experian, Equifax, TransUnion, and other networks of corporate or franchise bill collection businesses, the 'nameless, faceless' automated computer networks which have ruined their credit, blocked personal or business credit and loans, denied their car loans, new apartment rental or mortgage refinance packages.
The vicious cycle of governmentalist intervention in business and in the everyday lives of citizens uses the CRAs as mechanism. Bill- and tax-collectors, particularly 'privatized' tax collectors with IRS-type 'logos', use CRAs to negatively credit report US citizens to demand payments.
Obamacare would worsen this trend. Obamacare would subject US citizen's to IRS penalties, fees, liens, and other financial hardship for not accepting his mandate to purchase health care insurance or to declare insolvency by enrolling for the 'welfare card'. Either ruins credit.
The United States Code states 'extortion means the obtaining of property from another, with his consent, induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under the color of official right'. The enormity of the growth of US governmentalist networks, including privatized 'look-alike' IRS businesses, and the use of CRAs as mechanism have made this quite common, has damaged overall civil rights in the US, the trust of US citizens in the US government, and the American economy.
The US form of government, the participatory democracy, is the best form of government. But it depends on the honesty, integrity, and fairness of politicians and bureaucrats. If used by the greedy or angry ethnic and racial groups, it can take the form of 'mob rule'. And there is no king or queen to appeal to right the wrongs.
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Graphic: An Original Photographic of 'Palm Trees', Near the Gulf Coast, Southern Texas, 2001, copyright mkrause381@gmail.com or mkrause54@yahoo.com.
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