'The Real USA,
Travelling to
the Jersey Shore', 2003.
Fresh donuts,
Fun figurines,
En route to the
Seashore on
Summer vacation.
Governmentalism is not an ideology. It is a method of taking control of money, people, resources, existing forms of government.
'Spin' has gone beyond saying something negative in a positive way. 'Spin' now is masking the truth of a statement for the purpose of obtaining money, other contributions, votes, or public support for a policy. 'Spin' is a technique of less than honest public relations and advertising. 'Spin' is what politicians do when they 'tell you what you want to hear' while going off to vote as they choose or make deals which benefit themselves financially while increasing taxpayer billings.
'Spin' is what happens when governmental 'officials' chose to spend money, in amounts or for purposes, they know voters would not approve. 'Spin' happens when government looses its legitimacy, when officials dissociate their projects and goals from the tax-paying voters, the 'will of the people', who are the basis for the participatory vote American Democracy.
There are many instances of dishonesty by American leaders. These often occur in times of international conflict when the issues are said to be 'too sensitive' or 'too complicated' to be understood by the American public. But when such dishonesty becomes 'business as usual', it is time for the public to consider referendums votes of 'no confidence' to dissolve administrations who 'rule' rather than follow the rule of the people in the American Democracy.
Canada and various European nations have such 'pressure valves' to prevent their governments from becoming exclusive business clubs or special interest groups who profit from government jobs, contracts, or involvements at the expense of the public.
Voters in California actually organized to 'recall' Governor Gray for proposing a large increase in driver's license and related fees. What were the demographics of those who ran the recall to stop the state fee? California is now on the list of state governments with big budget deficits.
Political groups in European countries also include political parties who openly state their ideological perspectives and backgrounds. There are larger and more influential Socialist and Communist Party organizations in these countries who run candidates who are open about their beliefs and intentions as government officials.
Because of the Cold War, and the traditional conflict between the US Democracy and the USSR Communist forms of government, many American socialists and communists hide in the Democratic Party. Now some use even disaffected Republican Party supporters in the more vocal anti-Big Government, anti-Big Taxpayer Bills 'Tea Party' groups of Republicans and Independent voters.
Truth in politics and by politicians now often is sacrificed to the hope of a guaranteed income through a government paycheck. As governmentalists became more aggressive in taking tax dollars from individuals and companies, more aggressive profiteers enter politics and government, not because of political belief but because of the power of governmentalists to take money and property from the private sector and create jobs and salaries for themselves.
Ben Shapiro estimates 35% of paychecks now originate from the government, a three-fold increase in 5 decades, from 10% in 1961. If contractors who receive less direct government money through grants and business loan programs were included, this percentage could be higher, closer to a 10% increase every 10 years or 50%, as governmentalists gobble up the money, property, and business previously done in the private sector.
Those who benefit from government programs without cost, mostly welfare recipients, and many on wages, salaries, grants and subsidized loans, often are not going to complain. At least until they are relegated to the list of those tax-collected or bill-collected, for their own or their family member exposure, however brief or insignificant, to the insatiable deficit 'need' of the federal budget and its debt.
The American Democracy was created by Europeans searching for financial and religious freedom, escaping from the tyranny of European royalty who sought to control their labor, their land, their money, their minds. Under the guise of liberal humanitarianism and 'social welfare' programs, funded through government. Many US citizens are now experiencing the unfairness of socialist/communist regimes who seek to 'take from those according to their abilities' and hard work, for those with unreasonable, insatiable 'wants' and false 'needs'.
Email mkrause54@yahoo.com or mkrause381@gmail.com to comment or request copies of this blog or other blogs posted by mary for monthlynotesstaff at http://monthlynotes21.blogspot.com (or http://monthlynotes.blogspot through http://monthlynotes21.bogspot.com) on www.google.com. See http://monthlynotes18.blogspot.com or http://monthlynotes19.blogspot.com for blog lists of titles and URLs.
Graphic: An Original Photographic of 'The Real USA, Travelling to the Jersey Seashore', 2003, copyright mkrause381@gmail.com or mkrause54@yahoo.com. Fresh donut, fun figurines, en route to the Jersey seashore on summer vacation.
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