in the Sand'
Galveston, Texas,
Governmentalism is not an ideology. It is a method of taking control of money, people, resources, and existing government.
Despite the birth of the nation in 1776 from the violence of the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain, and the preservation of the nation in 1865 from the violence of the Civil War, modern America is not given to violence.
Violence involving the US militarily since 1865 has occurred elsewhere, during World War I and II, the Korean Conflict, Vietnam, Desert Storm and the succession of Middle Eastern and now Libyan, North Africa military actions.
What has occurred however is the growth of debt, unpalatable to most Americans. Federal debt has skyrocketed because of these wars and conflicts, and the concurrent population boom since the 1960s when Democrat Party President Lyndon Baines Johnson opened the door to uncontrolled immigration. The cost of the military-industrial complex and the social welfare-industrial complex has increased the federal deficit to $14.3 Trillion dollars.
The tax aggressiveness of governmentalists to bring in tax revenue to fund their salaries, of the older 'black civil rights' movements, and newer immigrants, legal and illegal, to fund social welfare services has overwhelmed local, state, and federal government budgets.
There is a trickle-down effect as governmentalists and politicians set attitudes, policies, and activities in the nation. Expensive, perhaps naively conceived, industrial bailouts like the student finance industry have created a bill-collecting aggressiveness in both public and private sectors.
The relative de-industrialization of the economy has reduced available jobs. And made it more likely that displaced, underemployed, unemployed workers and new entrants to the labor force will delay for academic or trade school education or training programs.
Thus debt and bill-collecting extend to more members of society. While this is good for the student finance industry and schools, it is not so good for those who, after college or trade school, face the same problem: how to find a paying job?
As more people are bill-collected, anger is generated in society. These have done as they were told to do to succeed, yet success still is elusive. And there are more problems, financial obstacles to homes, apartment, automobiles, business loans, created by bill collectors.
Also the more aggressive turn to bill-collecting, in home-based or other financial services businesses. While outlawed under the real laws of the US in the United States Code as 'Racketeer Influenced Crime Organizations', extortion, extortionate extension of credit by those who do not lend or sell goods or services abounds.
People become meaner, 'taking from other people' by extortion and threats. The naive may at least initially send payments to those whom they do not owe. Bill collectors stalk, menace, harass, and often vandalize or commit other crimes against those who will not 'send payments' to their computerized home-based or other bill-collecting business.
Real and substantial harm is done to those who are bill collected, negatively credit reported in the denial of apartments, cars, business and other loans, or whose family relationships or friendships are harmed or destroyed by bill collectors.
Bill collectors take names from lists, demand money, and seek to destroy reputations and lives of those who will not send money to them, often randomly, often targeted at a person who they do not like or a person who belongs to a group they do not like.
Sometimes, no notice is sent to the person, but the bill collector seeks money by submitting computer 'cookies' or informant reports to businesses for payment.
Sometimes, someone who thinks a person drove too fast or to slow or parked in a space they wanted to park in tries to trace a vehicle or person through traffic police, DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles), background check or other companies. Auto insurance companies may try to track cars. Car thieves often operate through these and other lists.
As more people, even officials like police and politicians, work on a commission basis, due to downsizing of budgets, or become more aggressive or greedier, the threats to people and property become more worrisome.
There are anecdotal reports that one of the largest names in the student loan industry works off lists of applicants to schools or students. The company sends out a brochure, lists the name as an account, assigns an amount, and off go the rounds of bill collection, then delinquency notices, negative credit reports, and sale of these lists to other companies.
The enormous number of accidental and deliberate errors in the 'credit reporting agency' (CRA) industry have created a 'white collar' racketeering industry, with extortionate extension of 'credit', stalking, menacing, harassment, threats of court actions, and even violence.
The large number of foreign immigrants, who do not speak or read American English well enough to understand these documents, which are often bought and sold as sources of large, immediate income only adds to the problem. Such 'bad paper' also is floated in the welfare, developmental/mentally retarded/emotionally disturbed, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, prison release, and other populations. Among these are many with 'anger control', aggression, and histories of violent behavior, whether crimes against property (like slashed tires, otherwise vandalized cars) and people (notice and phone call harassment, intimidation, threats of harm, home invasion).
'Dumpster divers' routinely 'dive' to find receipts. The divers then set up bill collection companies or gangs against people who have paid their bills and tossed their receipts into the trash. Some take company receipts home from work or take or use computerized information from employers or clients.
More 'official' trends, like automated lawsuit filing, only increase the mountains of 'bad paper'. This increases the likelihood that someone will be stalked, menaced, and harassed by an upset, desperate, or simply greedy person.
As the courthouse crowd looks for more bankruptcy proceedings for day to day case load 'business' or opportunities for profit by financially restructuring 'confiscated' businesses for members of the general population or of ethnic, racial, special needs, or special interest groups, the US becomes a meaner, less lawful, more dangerous, and angrier society.
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Graphic: An Original Photographic of 'Jellyfish in the Sand', Galveston, Texas, 2001.